Print your directions and take them with you!

With DirectionsAndMaps you can simply find desired directions, print them and take them with you on your trip. Try it today, always 100% free!

How to Use DirectionsAndMaps

Just a few simple tips on how to use the widget...

Enter an Address

Click on the input field to start typing out an address. Pick the location from our prediction list to add to the route. Add as many addresses, or stops, as needed to complete your route.


Adjust your Route

If you need to reorder any of your stops, click and hold the grey icon to the right of the stop. While holding, move the stop to the correct spot in the list.


Remove a Stop

While hovering over the address, a button will appear. Simply click it to delete the stop.


Intuitive & user friendly!

Getting your directions is easy - enter the addresses, select how you are getting there and click "Print Directions". Try it today!